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Internet Service

Choose your internet speed
Choose your internet speed

Internet Service

Choose your internet speed
Choose your internet speed
Checkpoint Special Offer FC50 e1728329092421

Internet Service

Choose your internet speed
Choose your internet speed
Checkpoint Special Offer FC70 e1728329065625

Internet Service

Choose your internet speed
Choose your internet speed
Checkpoint Special Offer D2D50 e1728329116787

Internet Service

Choose your internet speed
Choose your internet speed
Checkpoint Special Offer D2D70 e1728329032745

Internet Selection (Admin Hidden)

Phone Service

Add phone service and unlimited long distance to create a money-saving bundle.

Phone Selection (Admin Hidden)

Video Service

Include GPC iTV streaming video in your bundle to enjoy your favorite channels and receive a free Amazon Firestick.
Choose your TV Package
Sports Add-Ons
Sports Add-Ons
Premium Add-Ons
How much DVR space will you need?

Video Selection (Admin Hidden)

Your monthly bill at a glance

200 x 200 High Speed Internet $73.95
500 x 500 High Speed Internet $93.95
1G x 1G High Speed Internet $110.95
2G x 2G High Speed Internet $162.95
1G x 1G High Speed Internet $49.95
1G x 1G High Speed Internet $49.95
1G x 1G High Speed Internet $69.95
2G x 2G High Speed Internet $84.95
1G x 1G High Speed Internet $69.95
2G x 2G High Speed Internet $84.95
Internet Bundle Discount ($12.37)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($12.37)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($12.37)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($12.37)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Internet Bundle Discount ($24.26)
Phone/LD Bundle $20.00
Unlisted Number $2.00
Unpublished Number $3.00
GPC iTV Essentials $24.95
GPC iTV Preferred $84.34
GPC iTV Extra $17.00
4 TV Streams $1.00
5 TV Streams $2.00
6 TV Streams $3.00
7 TV Streams $4.00
8 TV Streams $5.00
100 DVR Hours $5.00
200 DVR Hours $15.00
300 DVR Hours $20.00
Sports Tier Channels $6.95
FANatic Channels $11.95
Cinemax $12.95
HBO $16.95
STARZ/Encore $12.95
Showtime $12.95
Video Bundle Discount ($1.58)
Video Bundle Discount ($16.18)
Video Bundle Discount ($16.18)
Broadcaster Fee $32.90
Federal Universal Connectivity Fee $0.08
Service Assurance $3.49
Service Assurance Discount ($3.49)
Whole Home Wi-Fi $2.99
Whole Home Wi-Fi Discount ($2.99)
Paper Statement Fee $1.50

Prices do not reflect and are subject to taxes and fees.

Product Keys

Contact Information

Are you already a Great Plains Communications customer? *
Do you rent or own the property? *

Service Address

Billing Address

Is your billing address different than your service address? *
How would you like to receive your monthly statement? *

Additional Information

An internet service must be selected to submit the form


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