Big Season Premieres Coming this Month

There are quite a few fan-favorite shows starting back up this month! To make sure you don’t miss out on any of the action, Great Plains Communications has included start dates and the trailers for the upcoming seasons below.   Wednesday, June 5 The Handmaid’s...
Take WatchTVEverywhere on All Your Summer Trips

Take WatchTVEverywhere on All Your Summer Trips

Planning a big family vacation this summer? The kids traveling for sports? While you are enjoying your busy summer schedule, don’t think you have to miss out on your favorite shows! Catch them all on your wireless devices with WatchTVEverywhere from Great Plains...
Tips and Tricks to Camping in the Rain

Tips and Tricks to Camping in the Rain

Memorial Day Weekend is almost upon us, which often means hitting the road to your favorite camping spot. While it may be the end of May, Nebraska’s weather has proven time and time again to be temperamental or a bit unstable, so Great Plains Communications has a few...

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