2019 Big Game Commercials

We have covered recipes for your big game day party, but how many of you are primarily there for the commercials during the game? Great Plains Communications has found a few of our favorite commercials you can expect to see this year and teasers for those brands that...

2019 Game Day Recipes

The big football game is this weekend, which means you have plenty of time to plan that perfect menu to wow your friends. Great Plains Communications has looked to our cable channel, Food Network for twists on some of our favorite game-day classic recipes. Tomatillo...

Healthy Breakfast Recipes for a Healthy 2019

As we think about fitness this week with our Fit Social Giveaway on Facebook, let’s focus on food – breakfast foods to be exact. What we put in our bodies is a big part of staying healthy and reaching those 2019 resolutions, along with staying active. While breakfast...
2019 Fit Social Giveaway

2019 Fit Social Giveaway

According to statista.com, The Statistics Portal, the top two resolutions for 2019 are to, “Diet or eat healthier” and “Exercise more.” It can be hard to know where to start and what steps to take to reach your goals. Great Plains Communications wants to help get...

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