What are Sunspots?

What are Sunspots?

As you watch a thunderstorm, it’s hard to miss the immense power from a strike of lightening. Most people aren’t aware that the Sun also has the ability to create a magnetic disturbance similar to lightening. When energy from the Sun expands, solar flares are created,...
Staying Secure with Tech Home

Staying Secure with Tech Home

Living in a world of technology has made it easy for us to stay connected. We have friends, businesses and online information all at our fingertips. Our lives have become a constant stream of emails and news feeds connected between multiple devices. Great Plains...

2017 Valentine’s Day Recipes

If you are looking to have a romantic Valentine’s Day at home, don’t assume that means you can’t have an amazing meal. Great Plains Communications has found some of our favorite Food Network recipes for you to enjoy with your loved one next week.   Red...

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