Distributed Denial Of Service Protection (DDoS)

The Great Plains Communications (GPC) Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection service provides global, cloud-based traffic analysis and threat detection combined with rapid attack mitigation. This multilayered approach to DDoS protection is an Enterprise best practice for mitigating today’s dynamic multi-vector DDoS attacks.

GPC’s automated or on-demand attack traffic scrubbing service, backed by teams of network security experts, will defend your business or organization against high-volume DDoS attacks that threaten to block customers from accessing your websites and applications.


Proactive DDoS Protection

    • Monitoring portal with network traffic analysis
    • 24×7 automated DDoS monitoring and notifications
    • 24×7 automated DDoS mitigation
    • Bandwidth-based thresholds per customer
    • Bandwidth from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps
    • BGP FlowSpec and TMS protection

On-Demand DDoS Protection

    • Monitoring portal with network traffic analysis
    • 24×7 automated DDoS monitoring and notifications
    • On-demand mitigation available weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm
    • Bandwidth-based thresholds per customer
    • Bandwidth from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps
    • BGP FlowSpec

How it Stops Modern Day DDoS Attacks

DDoS Protection

Automatically stop shortlived or application layer DDoS attacks on websites

Intelligent communication between cloud protection to address dynamic attack vectors


 Stop large attacks in the cloud 


Backed by continuous threat intelligence in the TMS scrubbing center

DDoS Portal Network Traffic Analytics

Customer Dashboard

GPC DDoS Reporting Analytics

DDoS Reporting Analytics

Learn more about how our high-performing network can help you achieve your business goals!

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