Here at Great Plains Communications we work hard to make sure that your webmail experience is as safe as possible. While our ultra-secure spam filter protects your email from nearly every threat, we have seen an increase in emails that may put your account at risk.

Recently an email was sent to some Great Plain Communications customers informing them that their accounts were about to expire. The email then states the account holder must supply sensitive information such as their email username and password. This is a problem faced by many email providers.

These emails are not sent from Great Plains Communications and are a scam meant to gain access to your account. Great Plains Communications will never ask for your personal information in an unsolicited email.

We strongly urge customers to immediately delete these emails.  If you already provided your information to the email sender, you need to immediately change your password. It is also recommended that you change the passwords for all other websites that send you any correspondence through that email address.

To protect yourself, check out the top 4 ways to tell if an email is a scam:

  • There are significant grammar and punctuation errors. Also scam emails will sound “funny” and have what you may consider odd sentence structure.
  • The sender’s email address doesn’t look right. When an email says that it comes from a company but uses a generic account, that’s a red flag. Official correspondence from Great Plains Communications will always have the suffix.
  • The email asks for personal information. No reputable company will ask you to send sensitive information in an unsolicited e-mail. If you have even the smallest doubt, call the company using the number listed on the official website.
  • There is no contact information or link to the official website or the link goes to a website that appears strange. While having this information isn’t a guarantee that the email is legitimate, not having the information is a sure red flag. If in doubt, go to the company’s official website and use the contact information there.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our Customer Response Center at 1-888-343-8014.

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