Roku® Education

 Great Plains Communications is excited about our Back-to-School promotion, as we are giving away a FREE Roku® streaming device with each purchase or upgrade of our 15, 30, or 50 mbps Internet speeds. With this gift, we want to share some of the awesome features the...
2016 Back-to-School Promotion

2016 Back-to-School Promotion

Early mornings and late night study groups, research papers and online tests; the kids are headed back to school. Supply lists have been provided; 24 #2 pencils, 3-5 spiral notebooks, ear buds, 1 USB flash drive. Computer class is no longer an elective, but a...
Back-to-School Ideas by Food Network & HGTV

Back-to-School Ideas by Food Network & HGTV

One box of colored pencils Two pink bevel erasers Four boxes of crayons Eight glue sticks These are just a few of the supplies on the list sent home with your kids as they start school. This time of the year is full of new routines and many new things. Great Plains...

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