Indiana Voicemail Instructions
Indiana Voicemail Instructions
How to Initialize Your Voice Mailbox
- Call the voice processor | 222-4444, 932-4444, 547-1444, 623-4444, 223-2444.
2. Enter your temporary password (1234).
3. Follow the tutorial prompts:
• Create your personal password – You will be instructed to change your default password for privacy reasons, please do so. In deciding your new password please keep in mind that it may be 4 to 15 digits in length and should be one that would be hard for someone else to figure out, yet easy for you to remember. Note: If a password is forgotten, the mailbox will need to be rebuilt and all messages will be lost.
• Record your name.
• Record your personal greeting.
Calling From Any Telephone to Your Phone Number – Use Away From Home/Work
• Dial your telephone number (7 to 10 digits depending on where you are calling from)
• Press * to interrupt your greeting.
• Enter your password.
Calling From Any Telephone to the Voice Processor – Use Away From Home/Work
• Dial the system access number | 222-4444, 932-4444, 547-1444, 623-4444, 223-2444.
• Enter your 10 digit mailbox number (your telephone number).
• Enter your password.
Calling From Your Telephone to the Voice Processor – Use While at Home/Work
• Dial the system access number | 222-4444, 932-4444, 547-1444, 623-4444, 223-2444.
• Enter your password.