Spring Cleaning Your Electronics 2018

Spring Cleaning Your Electronics 2018

It’s hard to believe with the amount of recent snowfall that spring is just around the corner. Soon we will be planting flowers rather than shoveling the driveway; but aside from beautiful flowers it is also a time for cleaning things out. Great Plains Communications...

Don’t Miss the Oscars this Sunday, March 4, 2018

This Sunday, March 4, 2018 marks the 90th anniversary of the Academy Awards. Starting at 7 PM CT airing on ABC, Jimmy Kimmel will return as the host for the second year in a row. The Shape of Water is the most nominated film this year, with 13 nominations. Other...
Sunspots this Spring

Sunspots this Spring

If you have ever watched a lightning storm, you know that it is both a beautiful and alarming experience. The power a thunderstorm emits in an abrupt flash stabbing through the air is definitely something to notice. Many people aren’t aware that the sun too can create...

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