What are Programmer Fees?

What are Programmer Fees?

Programmer fees and lengthy station negotiations have been showing up in the news more and more as the conversation on Cable TV providers being forced to raise rates to cover these costs continues. Great Plains Communications feels education is key in providing you...
Don’t Forget This When Preparing for Winter

Don’t Forget This When Preparing for Winter

Winter storm Jupiter spread a dangerous amount of ice across the Midwest the past few days and left many without power. Living in this area means beautiful seasons, but with them comes severe weather. While most people have a list of winter essentials, a landline...

2017 Winter Show Premieres

As the temperatures and snow continue to fall this winter, cable television is gearing up some big winter show premieres to enjoy from the warmth of your couch. Great Plains Communications has picked a few of our favorites full of action, depth and intriguing story...

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