Spring Cleaning Your Electronics

Spring Cleaning Your Electronics

The temperatures are beginning to rise as Spring quickly approaches. People are starting to open their windows to air out the stuffiness and cleaning out the bulk of winter. It’s just about spring cleaning time! Great Plains Communications wants to remind you that it...

New Shows to Watch For!

As some of our favorite shows are starting up again after the winter break, there are a few new faces coming across the screens, along with some nostalgic ones. Great Plains Communications has picked our favorite three new shows and provided a taste of each below....
Sunspots and Your Cable Service

Sunspots and Your Cable Service

As you watch a thunderstorm, it’s hard to miss the immense power from a strike of lightening. Most people aren’t aware that the Sun also has the ability to create a magnetic disturbance similar to lightening. When energy from the Sun expands, solar flares are created,...
The History of a Leap Year

The History of a Leap Year

Approximately every four years, February 29 is added to our calendars and we experience a Leap Year. This has been going on since before we can remember, but do you know just how long that is or why the mysterious extra day is added? Great Plains Communications wants...

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